You are warmly invited to attend Rev Mark Montgomery’s Licensing Service on Sunday 7th July, lead by the Bishop of Tonbridge, licensing Mark as Mission Leader of the Bishops Mission Order of St Gabriel’s, Kings Hill.
Also during this service, VIAT will be licensed to be used for worship.
What does that actually mean?
Well, practically not much and you won’t notice any difference! But many of you know that a Bishops Mission Order has been in place on Kings Hill since December 2017. However, Mark has never been formally licensed as Mission Leader to it. He was formally licensed as Associate Priest to Mereworth and West Malling when he took up post in 2015 and commissioned as Mission Leader for Kings Hill (although this was an informal title) as a BMO wasn’t in place. This just makes things formal and is another big step for St Gabriel’s as it creates the first formal full-time minister licensed to Kings Hill only.
The service shall be taking place at Valley Invicta Primary School, Kings Hill. Click here for directions.