Our values and vision as a church are formed through the book of Acts, we are a church who are;
Proclaiming – Growing – Worshipping -Connecting – Caring
Proclaiming – the Gospel in all we do
We aim to proclaim the Gospel through all the activities we do, we talk and invite all to church events, and where possible share the Christian Message.
Acts 28:31, 8:4, 19:20
Growing – in faith and numbers
We are a growing church, growing both in faith and numbers. We learn our faith together on Sundays and through the week. We are a church where people are trained and released to do the ministry Jesus has given them. Using or learning skills in worship and through the week.
Acts 16:5
Worshipping – On Sundays and through the week
We are a worshipping church, on Sundays and at other times, where all ages are welcomed/feel a part and belong. Inspired by the Holy Spirit and free to worship through different styles. We are – connected with Jesus and open to telling and hearing the stories of our faith, and meeting Jesus through different styles.
Acts 2:46-47, 21:17-20
Connecting – with the community and each other
We are a church which is embedded within the community of Kings Hill and at the heart of it. Running activities and projects that gather, help, and tackle loneliness and isolation in the community. Linking up local organisations and working with schools. We are a church that is connected to each other throughout the week and not just on Sundays. We have lots of bible study and social groups for all ages.
Acts 2:46-47
Caring – for each other and the environment
We are a church who care for each other and for those in need in our community. We do this through visiting, pastoral services, food banks, meeting people and helping the community in times of need and through other groups. We are also a church who cares for God’s creation and for our environment doing all we can to reduce our carbon impact.
Acts 9:36-42
But most of all, we are a fun, lively congregation of all ages, who recognise we are all at different stages of a Christ centred adventure and we don’t have it all sorted!