Your First Visit


Welcome to St Gabriel’s, the Church of England on Kings Hill, we are really pleased that you are looking to joining us on a Sunday. We are a growing family of all ages, formed by the word and spirit of God and this means that some times we do things a little differently, or have little children exploring our worship space. If you are here with a small child, please don’t worry if they wonder around, that’s OK, just please make sure they are safe.

We gather to worship God and be transformed by Jesus. We meet in the Discovery School every Sunday at 10am, and 6 times a year at 4pm for Messy Church. We do different things on different Sunday’s.  From September 2019 we will also be meeting on Sunday afternoons  and Messy Church will be taking place monthly at a new venue, read more here.

If this is your first time at St Gabriel’s, you might not be familiar about what’s happening, so we thought we would offer a guide. Our service will normally include, songs, bible readings, a talk, and a time of prayer. On three Sundays

Our first ever mid-night communion December 2017

a month there are activities for children in the small hall (you are welcome to join your children if it’s their first time). The third Sunday of the month is a little different and we have activities at the back of Church and prayer stations happening in the small hall as part of the service.Like all churches we are a mix of ages, although we follow the profile of Kings Hill and around a third of our congregation is under 16.

We tend to follow the structures of the Church of England, so will have a time of confession and forgiveness of the things we’ve done wrong (our sins), sing or speak a statement of faith (creed), and say the collect (set prayer for the day).If it’s the second or fourth Sunday, its normally a Communion Service. We gather around the table when we give the bread and wine, and you are welcome to take if you normally do, or just put your hands by your side and we will pray a blessing. We welcome all at the Lord’s table and children are welcome to receive communion if it’s their normal practice.

St Gabriel’s runs on donations given by its members and visitors and we hand a collection basket around during the last hymn, if it’s your first time please don’t feel you have to give something, but if you want to you are very welcome to. If you don’t have cash, don’t worry, we can take donations via debit card and you can also give regularly via direct debit if you wish

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask. We would love to keep in touch with you so please fill in a contact card which will be found at the back of church.

Rev Mark Montgomery
(The one in the collar!)