
We take the care of all God’s people seriously at St Gabriel’s

St Gabriel’s is committed to implementing the House of Bishops’ safeguarding policies and good practice guidance.

A formal statement to adopt the House of Bishops’ “Promoting a Safer Church; safeguarding policy statement” was agreed by the Leadership team and recorded in the minutes of the meeting on June 2018. It was further adopted at the Church AGM in April 2024, and subsequently every year since,  after a presentation by our safe guarding officer. A copy of our policy book is held at the Church Venue of Discovery School and Vicarage and is available on request.

Our safeguarding officer is Karen Webber*, and Safeguarding is a regular item on our Leadership Team Meetings. We follow the guidance from the Diocese of Rochester, and national church and following the guidance all people working with Children, young people or vulnerable adults are safely recruited, and have undergone appropriate training and DBS checks.

Safeguarding information is displayed at all our church activities involving Children and Young People and can be seen on our church noticeboard/welcome table on a Sunday morning.

If you are a victim or survivor of abuse you can find out more about support services available to you via the Diocesan web page Support for victims and survivors

*You can contact our safeguarding officer by filling in the contact form below, this will go to a independent safeguarding email address which will be checked regularly.