July 2021 Update – We’re Singing and more
On Sunday 25th July, gathered worship will be changing slightly as Covid Restrictions Ease. Please watch above to find out more.
May 2021 Update – We’re back inside!
On Sunday 23 May we are moving back inside the Discovery School for worship. This will be a socially distanced worship, and you will need to wear a mask inside (unless exempt), and we will be playing music, but we can’t sing.
to join us you can book into our service by clicking this link
March 2021 Update – We’re back!
On Sunday 28 March, Palm Sunday, and then ongoing we regathering again in real life in Discovery School Car Park at 10am, for a Plan Sunday Communion. As worshipping outside can be done is a socially distanced, covid-secure way, for the foreseeable future we will be meeting in the Car Park, and will return inside as restrictions ease over the coming months.
We will continue to be worshipping on line with a similar service every week, as well as some other gathered events via Zoom (Messy Church and Maundy Thursday). For Outside worship there is no need to book as we have good capacity.
We look forward to seeing you soon!
December 2020 Update
A suspension of Gathered Worship until February – online only.
On Tuesday 22nd December 2020 we have had to take the difficult decision to cancel all our in real life gathered worship from this point until February 1st 2021. Due to the current levels of Covid in the area, and Tier 4 restrictions, we want to keep all safe and one of the best ways of doing this is to stay at home. Online worship continues with a full host of Christmas services, which can be found here
October 2020 Update
Many churches have returned from exile and come together for socially distanced worship or are making plans to in the coming weeks. For St Gabriel’s obviously the question of when we can meet together for worship will always be out of our hands, as we need to take into consideration access to Schools.
Currently we are looking in to how we may meet again before September, but with current government guidelines specifying only a small number of people being able to meet outside in public spaces, this hampers ideas of outside worship for the time being.
However some of the considerations of making our services Covid safe have been through through and on our last service together we put a lot of practical things in place, to stop the spread of infections. However there will be further steps e.g. cleaning chairs after use, that will add a burden to those able to attend.
When we do return to gathered worship we will still be offering an online service in the future, as this type of window to our worshiping community will not only continue, but develop.
We will also have to explore what things like Sunday School and Messy Church look like moving forward. However you can always join us for a bible and craft activity weekly through our Children’s groups at home.
But whatever, we are entering a new phase of worship and Church moving forward.