First baptism for St Gabriel’s at Discovery School

On Sunday, we were delighted to celebrate our first christening since we moved to our new home of the Discovery School. Isaac Griffiths, along with his proud parents and family, were present at our Parade Service for his baptism.

Isaac’s mum Anneka is one of our Girls’ Brigade leaders and so thought there would be no better time and place to baptise Isaac than when the girls were all present for our monthly family service.

In a change from their usual arrangements, the girls all came in party frocks rather than GB uniform to help celebrate and were more than ready to enjoy the post-service cakes!

In his sermon, Rev David spoke about the Olympic athlete Eric Liddell and how well he had run ‘his race’ in life. As Isaac’s ‘starting gun’ sounds with his baptism, he reflected with the children on what we can do to run well.

While the Discovery School may not look as ‘churchy’ as other potential locations for a christening, the community pulled together to make it a truly special venue for Isaac and his parents Anneka and Owen to enjoy.

Photos to follow.