The building has been designed to be a modern, flexible space, with a bright entrance lobby which will offer hospitality space, leading into the worship space/hall with stage and lighting with meeting rooms off to the side. The rooms will be available for the community as well as church use. This isn’t just a church, but a community space as well.
At the heart of the project is our care for the environment and the building is designed to have a low environmental impact as possible. With an air source heat pump and up-to-date building techniques and materials it is expected to have an ‘A’ EPC rating. We are also committed to offsetting environmental impact by replanting tree’s onsite and across the UK. We will be applying for ECO-Church status on the building once it is constructed.

The Church building will stand prominently on a site at the centre of the Kings Hill, opposite the community centre and the Running Airman statue, next to a play park, within walking distance of all of the schools and a short walk from the village centre and business park. This central location means it’s easily accessible on foot, cycle/scooter, public transport and with plenty of nearby parking for those who need it. It also means that the congregation can continue walking to worship as they do now.