Donate to the Building

We are excited to be launching our new building project and fundraising campaign at the beginning of 2022. You can join us on the journey through prayer and financial contributions. The project has been backed with a £500k grant and financial support for the rest. However we have a minimum £1 million fundraising target to reduce the long term financial burden on the congregation. You can give a one off or regular donation (why not gift aid it and make your donation go further*) on the link above or by contacting us on the form below.
To make a major donation of more than £1000 please contact us on the form below for details

We will be offering other schemes of donating through 2022, so please sign up to our newsletter to be the first to hear!

If you would like to get in contact about the building, or offer a larger financial contribution please get in touch below.

Join us in praying for the project though our special prayer;

Lord God, we worship you.
And we commit to praying diligently for our building project
We pray that our church will be a place of welcome, unity and healing
where we are equipped and enabled
to share the love
that you have poured out on us,
wherever we are and wherever we go.

We give you thanks for your faithfulness, wisdom and presence on our journey so far.
please bless this new building project to provide activities for our Church and everyone in our community that will promote growth, development and unity

We pray that you would lead us through this time of transition, and protect us on the journey.

We pray that you will provide all of the wisdom, finances, and resources that we will need, and help us to understand our role in this project
We pray that the new building
will be a positive legacy for future generations,
as a tangible sign of your love and generosity
and our unity of vision.

Father, stir up the faith in us so that we will walk by faith and not by sight and support this vision through our giving and prayers.