Easter at St Gabriels

We have a full program of Easter services and activities during Holy Week.

Starting on Palm Sunday, April 9th, with a Palm Sunday Communion, where you can collect you palm cross from us at the end of the service.  On Maundy Thursday you can join us St Lawrence Mereworth for a reenactment of a traditional Passover Meal. On Good Friday, with have our next Craft and Food Service, with Easter Crafts, Hot Cross Buns and a short act of worship. This activity like the pancake party and Nativity and Crafts is suitable for all ages.

On Easter morning, join us for our third Sunday All age and Parade Easter Communion Service. Make an Easter Garden as part of our worship and join us for a short Easter Egg Hunt at the end of the service with a egg for all children (and maybe adults too!).Easter 2017 Poster

This Handmade Cross of Palm Branch leaves, surround by a Crown of Thorns represents Palm Sunday, Jesus's Good Friday Crucifixion and his rising on Easter Sundayseder meal image.001